27 de septiembre de 2011


La inauguración será el sábado 1 de octubre,mucha suerte Javi!


29 de junio de 2011

don´t be lazy

and she was

And she was lying in the grass
and she could hear the highway breathing.
And she could see a nearby factory

She's making sure she is not dreaming.
See the lights of a neighbor's house

now she's starting to rise.
Take a minute to concentrate and she opens up her eyes.

The world was moving

she was right there with it and she was -
The world was moving

she was floatin' above it and she was

And she was drifting through the backyard

And she was taking off her dress.
And she was moving very slowly
rising up above the earth.
Moving into the universe and she's drifting this way and that.
Not touching the ground at all and she's up above the yard

And she was glad about it
no doubt about it

She isn't sure about what she's done
No time to think about what to tell them
No time to think about what she's done and she was

And she was looking at herself

and things were looking like a movie.
She had a pleasant elevation

she's moving out in all directions.

The world was moving

she was floatin' above it and she was
Joining the world of missing persons and she was
Missing enough to feel alright and she was - and she was
And she was - and she was - and she was
and she was - and she was

-talking heads-

23 de mayo de 2011

The Lost Collection: Art Left on London Transport

Una increíble casualidad
ha hecho que una pintura mía
se exhiba en la galería KK Outlet
de Londres...


un despiste
en el andén del metro
que ha tenido
un final feliz!


20 de mayo de 2011

rock lobster

We were at a party
His ear lobe fell in the deep
Someone reached in and grabbed it
It was a rock lobster

We were at the beach
Everybody had matching towels
Somebody went under a dock
And there they saw a rock
It wasn't a rock
It was a rock lobster

Motion in the ocean
His air hose broke
Lots of trouble
Lots of bubble
He was in a jam
S'in a giant clam

Down, down

Underneath the waves
Mermaids wavin'
Wavin' to mermen
Wavin' sea fans
Sea horses sailin'
Dolphins wailin'

Red snappers snappin'
Clam shells clappin'
Muscles flexin'
Flippers flippin'

Down, down

Let's rock!

Boy's in bikinis
Girls in surfboards
Everybody's rockin'
Everybody's fruggin'

-the B 52.s-

5 de abril de 2011

exposición "aguja mágica"

El viernes 1 de abril el taller/galería "duduá" inauguró una
exposición colectiva de bordados con la aguja mágica celebrando
que ya han pasado más de 100 alumnos por este taller.

Aquí se puede ver algunas de las obras,hay cosas increíbles!
para quien quiera visitar la exposición estará allí hasta
el 15 de mayo.


y estas fueron mis propuestas...

1 de abril de 2011


Autores como el filósofo,tecnólogo y experto
en inteligencia artificial,Raymond Kurzweill,
predicen una evolución de la humanidad
como consecuencia de los últimos y futuros
avances tecnológicos.

Según Kurzweill,estos avances abrirán nuevos caminos
hacia una cada vez mas fuerte integración hombre-máquina,
llegando a convertirse la computadora
en parte inalienable de la humanidad...

(y de nuestras mascotas,como el pequeño sparko!)

27 de enero de 2011

I love mac

Steve Jobs (fundador de apple) hace suya la frase de Henry Ford,
el hombre que convirtió el automóvil en un producto de consumo masivo:

"si les hubiera preguntado a mis clientes
lo que querían, me habrían dicho:un caballo mas rápido!"

anticiparse y proyectar sobre el futuro es la base de la creatividad!

"No dejéis que el ruído de las opiniones ajenas ahogue vuestra
voz interior.
Y lo más importante,tened el coraje de seguir vuestros impulsos
y vuestra intuición, porque de alguna manera
son los que saben lo que queréis ser...
Lo demás es secundario."

Steve Jobs